Saturday 6 February 2021

Online Raw Unrefined Grade A Organic Shea Butter and Black Soap Supplier

 Canada Shea Butter and Black Soap Supplier Warehouse

We supply Premium Organic Shea Butter and Authentic African Black Soap in Canada Online. You can shop for Free Shipping in Canada and the USA. Use Black Soap daily to fully wash your skin and hair then follow up with all natural Shea Butter to lock in moisture naturally.

canada black soap

We sell bulk and wholesale Shea Butter both Ivory and Yellow. You can purchase small quantities for personal use and DIY home projects or large amounts from Metric Tons to containers for commercial usage.

Our Shea Butter is always fresh and imported every quarter of the year. Use it to make your own Shea Butter balms, skin creams, lotions, shampoos, soaps and more. You will save money and have healthier skin when you choose to go natural with what you put on your skin and also what you consume.

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Go for natural foods that are less processed while avoiding artificial sugars and drinks. Drink water and exercise regularly to keep you blood flow moving. Do what you can to keep you mindset healthy. A combination and balance will allow you to have the healthiest skin of your life with less stress and more vitality. 


Call/Text - 416 937 6350